With a track record of 23 years of success in the banking sector – both in the City of London and overseas, I specialise in the emerging markets as a senior banker. Along with this I have an MSc in Executive Coaching which deepened my understanding and developed my own leadership style. It has taught me about challenging our engagement, developing our authenticity and building greater accountability as leaders in order to foster world-class management practice in the field of organisational change.
I bring my experience and learning to bear when working with you. Together we work to uncover unconscious patterns of derailment, what Erik de Haan terms “the leadership shadow”, making you more effective in delivering to the bottom line in a more holistic way and in congruence with who we are as outstanding powerful individuals, thinkers and creators.
I am a passionate advocate of the value of diversity and equality across industry and at board level and a proponent of the development of women to leadership and board positions. Together we must rethink and inquire into optimum board culture and dynamics.